Why You Should Play: Dark Souls | Demon’s Souls | Bloodborne | Sekiro | Elden Ring

If you’ve looked around the gaming sphere for a bit, chances are you’ve seen something like “_____ is the Dark Souls of _____”. While both a meme and lazy journalist heuristic, a big reason why Fromsoft’s games create so much buzz is because they’re awesome! The difficulty and the difficulty “debates” are popular topics, but that’s not the only thing that makes these games so good. Fromsoft’s games are rich worlds, littered with fantastic characters and histories. And when you add in tight gameplay and fantastic level design, well, baby you’ve got a stew going. So, in this spoiler-free* guide, I’ll do what I can to explore what makes these games so good, and how to git less bad. Chapters and Timestamps: 00:00 Intro 06:09 Part 1: Why They Rock 11:14 Part 2: An Overview 13:12 Demon’s Souls 17:07 Dark Souls 21:05 Dark Souls 2 23:08 Bloodborne 27:47 Dark Souls 3 29:48 Sekiro 40:39 Elden Ring, and Beyond (Sorry about the Sekiro section, there just wa
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