One day, nineteen-year-old university student Yuji gets dumped by his girlfriend Keiko for no apparent reason. Sad and baffled by this sudden development, he opens a newspaper and sees an advertisement of an agency called Evening saying they hire hosts to work with female customers. Yuji calls them and soon begins working as a gigolo. In this new job he faces some unexpected trouble at first; however, his kind and honest attitude eventually wins the hearts of his clients.
2 months ago 00:24:23 1
Полигон ударных и электромагнитных воздействий 2. Высоковольтная лаборатория.
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Katy Perry - California Gurls (Official Music Video) ft. Snoop Dogg
2 months ago 01:47:19 1
Наш человек в Гаване - пародийный шпионский детектив UK 1959 Алек Гиннесс, Бёрл Айвз, Морин О`Хара