The Oath of Feanor

An original piece of music for the Silmarillion Film Project podcast with the Mythgard Institute and Signum University. This piece started from a forum post stating that the Dies Irae should find its way into the score particularly in the Oath of Feanor scene. Marie Prosser jumped in very quickly and started on a translation of the oath into quenya. With a lot of collaboration regarding pronunciation, timing and some retranslating, the final shape of this piece fell into place. I felt that it needed to have the feel of John William’s Duel of the Fates from Star Wars Ep1 or Howard Shore’s Revelation of the Ringwraiths from The Fellowship of the Ring. Musically the piece begins with my piece the Fall. After this we get the tubular bell pealing three notes over and over indicating the call of the elves and at the same time 4 long notes that will come to represent any oath. The main emphasis of the chorus is on the pattern of the Dies Irae. One note is sounded with three gongs followed by the next three notes. Th
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