overcoming malignant shame [cc]

A reflection on one of the most damaging kinds of manipulation used by abusers: shaming. Where real-life cases are cited, details may be altered to preserve anonymity. You can support the channel at: -- 0:00 a common emotion 1:28 defining shame 1:51 shame vs guilt 3:00 psychological consequences 5:50 private shame 8:40 common sources of shame 14:15 retraining the brain 20:15 judging what’s acceptable 21:34 public shame 22:27 tyranny of the majority 23:04 coming out 25:05 some shame-inducing groups 30:23 a faceless mob? 32:30 shaming by stealth -- opening quote: The shame-bound individual is like a fox that’s been trained to hunt itself to exhaustion while the hounds sit back and enjoy the show. -- subtitles Russian: Sergey Savelyev -- references and reading: Feiring, C., Taska, L. and Lewis, M. (2002) Adjustment following sexual abuse discovery: The role of shame and attributional style.
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