Hellblade II OST - The Game Awards Trailer Song (Heilung - Seidh) [EXTENDED]

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II OST - The Game Awards Trailer Song (Heilung - Seidh) [EXTENDED] Like and subscribe for more awesome songs and gameplay videos :) --------------------------------------- If you want to support my channel then please use my humble-bundle partner links (if you purchase any product on these websites using the link below, I’ll receive a share of the revenue for the Humble Bundle products that you will be buying): --------------------------------------- Music Playlist: Gameplay Videos Playlist: --------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT INFO: I do not own the m...usic/or images shown. if you are the composer/singer of the song then please send me a message here or by my email so we can further discuss If any producer or label has an issue with any of the uploads please send me a message and I will delete it if necessary. My videos are purely fan-made and edited by me, and it’s done for entertainment purposes Hellblade II Hellblade 2 Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 TGA Trailer
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