Royal Tour Of The West Indies (1958)

Unissued / unused material. Royal Tour of the West Indies, Belize (British Honduras). Various shots crowds watching aeroplane flying overhead. Various shots Princess Margaret standing in back of jeep waving to crowds, including University students in mortar boards. Various shots of Margaret on dais outside Government House watching carnival. Shots of traditional dancing. Crowds passing dais. Brass band lead by dancing conductor. LS Government House. More shots crowds passing dais, including women’s federation. Various shots Princess presenting new staffs of office and centenary certificates to the Alcaldes on the centenary of the Alcaldes Jurisdiction Courts in British Honduras. The Chief Justice Mr. C. de L. Inniss in background - handing over the staffs to the Princess. Various shots of Princess at State Dinner at Government house. We see the Princess dining with Governor, Lady Thornley and Sir Colin Thornley. Night shots of Government House. Various shots of girl of East-India
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