Christopher Eccleston answers Big Finish listeners’ Doctor Who questions

FIND OUT MORE AT THE BIG FINISH WEBSITE: At the recording of the Big Finish audio series, Doctor Who – The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Ravagers, in January 2021, we put your questions to the Ninth Doctor himself, Christopher Eccleston. Due for release in May 2021, Doctor Who – The Ninth Doctor Adventures: Ravagers features three tales written by Big Finish’s Creative Director, Nicholas Briggs, and sees the Doctor on a voyage of discovery once more with new friends and adventures. Alongside the previously-announced Camilla Beeput as Nova and Jayne McKenna as Audrey, this full-cast audio drama box set also teams Christopher Eccleston up with Jamie Parker (Callan, Harry Potter and The Cursed Child) as Captain Halloran, Dan Starkey (The Paternoster Gang, Jago & Litefoot & Strax) as Marcus Aurelius Gallius, Ben Lee (Holmes & Watson) as Lieutenant Farraday, and Clare Corbett (Jenny – The Doctor’s Daughter) as the terrifying Ravagers. On the Sphere of Freedom, the Doctor is about to shut down
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