On-point: How six more years of Putin will affect the Korean Peninsula

푸틴 5선, 한반도에 어떤 영향 미칠까 As widely expected, Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to win the presidential election after three days of voting up to Sunday. This will give him another six years in power, until at least 2030. For more details on how this will affect the global landscape, we’re joined by Professor Joel Atkinson. Welcome to the program. election came as the Kremlin looked for a high turnout. Russia says the figure already surpassed 67-point-5 percent, the number recorded in 2018. How was this year’s election different from previous ones, and what’s your take on the voter turnout? 2. Russian voters were seen protesting against Putin’s re-election. What impact will the election results have on Russia’s domestic situation? 3. It’s been more than two years since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and Ukrainian drones targeted Russia, on the final day of voting. How will another six years of Putin affect the Ukraine war? 4. Bilateral ties between South Korea and Russia have been strained for a while now. How will six more years of Putin affect the two countries’ relations? 5. Recently, Russia has been building close ties with North Korea. How will the election results affect its relations with the regime? Alright. Thank you so much for your insight this morning. #Korean_Peninsula #Russia #presidential_election #Russian_President #Vladimir_Putin #Russian_leader #푸틴 #러시아대통령선거 #Arirang_News #아리랑뉴스 📣 Facebook : 📣 Twitter : 📣 Homepage : 2024-03-18, 09:00 (KST)
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