“Drum bun“ - Romanian Military march

English: “Drum bun“ is a Romanian march composed by Ștefan Nosievici in 1856. It was one of the two male choirs he composed, the other being “Tătarul“. The Society for Romanian Culture and Literature in Bukovina posthumously published the song in 1869 after Nosievici’s death on 12 November of the same year. Although Nosievici composed the march, the lyrics were written by Vasile Alecsandri. Alexandru Flechtenmacher has also been attributed as the author of the used to be very popular, especially among primary schools. Română: “Drum bun” este un marș românesc compus de Ștefan Nosievici în 1856. A fost unul dintre cele două coruri masculine pe care le-a compus, celălalt fiind „Tătarul”. Societatea pentru Cultura și Literatura Română din Bucovina a publicat postum cântecul în 1869, după moartea lui Nosievici, la 12 noiembrie a aceluiași an. Deși Nosievici a compus marș
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