The Prayer of Kuntuzangpo (Subtitled) 能显自然根本智普贤王如来祈愿文 (字幕)

Track 4 from the album “Avalokiteshwara’s Ten Prayers“ (观音十法) by PBC Music (原动力). Please buy their music if you have enjoyed this track as much as I did! Chanted by Khenpo Pema Chopel Rinpoche & Ogen Lama 堪布贝玛千贝仁波切、乌金喇嘛诵 Combined English & Chinese translations from different sources: The Prayer of Kuntuzangpo, The Primordial Buddha Samantabhadra - This prayer was taken from the ninth chapter of the Dzogchen Teachings of the Gongpa Zangthal the Northern Treasures discovered by the Terton Rigdzin Godem. On the fifteenth day of the seventh Tibetan month in the year of the Sheep (1991) this prayer was translated by the Venerable Bhaka Tulku Rinpoche in Berkeley, California, assisted by Lunpo Urgyan Thondup. 能显自然根本智普贤王如来祈愿文(根松成林曲杰嘉才仁波且译) (注:原著藏文为掘藏法,仁波且根据本传承之教授,及自身修持之内证觉受和理解,译成汉文。其中内容有本传承独有的,也有与其他传承共通之处,特此说明,望见闻者共沾法益。) 原始本初佛普贤王如来为度六道一切有情众生,发不可思议胜妙大愿,使一切有情众生不由自主,超脱轮回,即可成佛。功德无量。尤其在不吉祥、遇动、大灾大难或高山风口、江海岸边、众生聚集处念颂大愿文,极其殊胜,无量功德,众生听闻后三世之内即可成佛。
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