Faster Generation Times With SDXL Custom LCM & SSD Models

Faster Generation Times With SDXL Custom LCM & SSD Models. We’re already seeing advancement and improvements to the stable diffusion LCM (latent consistency model) and SSD (Segmind Stable Diffusion Model) models. You can find them on civitai and I must say the difference is much better than what I showed you last time! Try them for yourself. They are to be loaded in your checkpoints folder as you normally would and check out the Civitai page for suggested settings. As far as I know it’s working in Both ComfyUi and Automatic1111 but I’m not sure for other platforms as of today. Realities Edge XL Segmind SSD-1B Hephaistos_NextGENXL (LCM_Bf16_hybrid) Blue Pencil-XL-LCM
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