IN STRICT CONFIDENCE “Ewige Nacht“ (Official Video)

A very unusu­al ISC song, but still, or right be­cau­se of this, worth this vi­deo. “Ewi­ge Nacht“ is the se­cond of three new mu­sic-​vi­de­os from the al­bum “La Pa­ra­de Mons­tru­eu­se“ (out 26th fe­bru­ary 2010). Di­rec­ted and edi­ted by Ju­li­en Pe­tin. Pro­du­ced by Dennis Ostermann. Dan­cer: Ma­ri­na Ro­bert. Stea­di­cam-​ope­ra­tor: Oli­ver Acker­mann, as­sis­ted by Dörg Scham­bach. Ma­ke up ar­tist: Na­tha­lie Si­en­ko. Tech­ni­cal as­sis­tant: Ca­the­ri­ne Rem­my.
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