28 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were killed and 50 were wounded in the Zaporozhe direction

28 soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were killed and 50 were wounded in the Zaporozh’e direction. The personnel of the 128th assault brigade was hit by a ballistic missile of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. This is the result not only of successful work of the Russian intelligence, but also of neglect of the AFU command. The servicemen were out in the open, owing to which they were located by a drone. An Iskander missile hit the target precisely. Such losses once again discredit the AFU and their command, as untrained Ukrainians without any military experience are being sent to the front in droves, daily, like living targets. If this trend continues, their human resource will run out very soon. Translated from the informer/iнформатор Источник: Putinger’s Cat / Кот Путингера
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