Camera Interviews - Mlle Marise Daspie Note - This Is Maryse Bastie Not Marise Daspie (1931)

Mlle. Marise Daspie is the holder of the Women’s World Endurance Flight Record. She flew non-stop for 26 hours and 46 minutes. M/S of Marise wearing an aviator’s helmet and goggles standing front of the propeller of a plane, she smiles and laughs. C/U of Marise. L/S of her pouring petrol out of a large can and into another container. L/S of her plane being prepared for flight. M/S of her climbing into the cockpit. “And truly feminine - and attractive - in spite of her strenuous flying.“ C/U of Marise as she sits in the plane laughing and waving. Plane swings past camera and takes off. Low angle shot of the plane in the sky. Was item in Eve’s Film Review issue 452 or 432. Note: Pathe got Marise’s name wrong in the title of this film. This is actually Maryse Bastie - JH. FILM ID:1164.3 A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES. FOR LICENSING ENQ
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