True Stalker is a mod for #stalker that was in the development for over 7 years (but ive heard of it only when it got released lmao). Developed on Open Xray engine, True Stalker promised to deliver a new take on story mod genre. Long story short - it didnt. The story is super lame and the ending is abrupt (as the writer admitted - he didn’t know what to do). Voice acting is surprisingly good apart from main protagonist, he is voiced by the writer (head of APPRO team also) and sounds as disinterested and monotone as in his stalker news videos. I do not reccomend the mod, its an endless loop of fetch quests across the map, bad writing, lots of hits in the head and just a bad experience overall.
1)[0s] Sponge Bob OST - Caped Crusader
2)[27s] Space Oddysey 2001 - Monolith
3)[1m48s] XIII - Rocky Mountain Interception
4)[2m20s] Жил был STALKER на свете
5)[3m3s] Hans Zimmer - No Time For Caution
6)[3m46s] Portal Radio Compressed
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2 months ago 00:50:51 1
Прибытие в зону и работа на торговца. || True Stalker #1