Same Sara - Trans Box

1 Illusion like hurt. Gone by the steam. Perception eats blurt. Hope hid a beam. Your receiver is tuned. My transmitter is ruined. Walls are fuel for tears. The sense defiled of gears. Trans box draws fruit. Ripe desire nurses loot. The shadow becomes clear. Zeus’ rod pierces the ear. (Alma mater - Broken barter. All useless. Bad mueslis. Word don’t matter. Matter dont word. The world be better Better be world.) 2 Do you like anime. You are my Anima. You are my Love. My paradise grove. You are like anime, Girls like drama, Friend as enemy, Silence as Brahma. You’re Miss “live blob“. I miss your bob, We will never change, Let it be range. () (Коммунизм и христианство. Сломанный бартер. Аналогом люди любовь не вернут. Цинизм жрет убранство Моей альма-матер. Цифра - для лени удобный батут.)
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