God’s Blind Commander - Jan Žižka and the Hussite Wars (1360-1424) | DOCUMENTARY

When in July 1419, Czech Hussites threw Catholic members of the Prague city council out of the window of a town hall, very few expected 17 years of bloody religious war would follow. These so-called Hussite wars brought forth several Czech national heroes. Among them was Jan Zizka, a great general and strategist. He withstood several crusades sent against him by King Sigismund of Hungary. Against all odds and always heavily outnumbered, Zizka used modern tactics such as armoured battle wagons to take on much larger armies. Early on during the war, he was fully blinded, yet he commanded his forces for four more years, with incredible success. Consider supporting HoH: ►Patreon: ►Become a channel member: ►Leave a tip:
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