Wing Chun for beginners lesson 15: basic hand exercise/ blocking a straight punch on inside arm

Wing Chun for beginners wing chun kung fu Subscribe for more videos, click here: Here is the full playlist: For more info on our training please visit our website: Get 50% off now for the wing chun training course, click here viewer These lessons are ideal for any one who wants to begin training Wing Chun. Step by step lessons will help you build a good Wing Chun foundation. From basic leg work exercises e.g. stomp, side, round kicks to basic handwork e.g straight punch, blocks, bong sau and more. Learn to maneuver your body properly for real time combat. There are lessons 1-60 in this series. Wing Chun basic training lessons with master Wong that cover form, application and use of Wing Chun principles in real confrontations. The Master Wong syste
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