Are You Hospitable? | Easy Russian 78

BECOME A MEMBER OF EASY RUSSIAN: BECOME A MEMBER OF EASY RUSSIAN: LISTEN TO OUR PODCAST: SUBSCRIBE TO EASY RUSSIAN CHANNEL: FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM: --- In this episode of Easy Russian we dive into the traditions of hospitality in Russia and find out how popular visiting is in the modern world. Together with Moscow passers-by we discuss how often they receive guests or go to meetings themselves, what rules and traditions exist when visiting, and what is customary to bring as a treat. You will learn how customs have changed compared to Soviet times, and how modern life influences people’s habi...ts. В этом выпуске Easy Russian мы погружаемся в традиции гостеприимства в России и узнаем, насколько популярно ходить в гости в современном мире. Вместе с московскими прохожими обсуждаем, как часто они принимают
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