Taichi basic, inner power exercise.

Specific exercise improve symptoms, daily full-body exercises remove root causes. Taichi basic, inner power exercise Step 1: Completely relax your shoulders and arms. Step 2: Form a bow with your body. Step 3: Shoot your arms like am arrow. 3-5 minutes a day The internal strength of Tai Chi comes from the elasticity of tendons and ligaments, not muscle strength, so it is necessary to relax the muscles first, because the tension and stiffness of the muscles will restrict the elasticity of tendons and ligaments. First of all, you need to relax and soften yourself first, on this basis, find the strength of the tendons and bones, and try its elasticity and explosive power. Like a bow and a whip. The whip is soft, but when tossed, the force penetrates from the handle to the ends.
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