Milton’s Minor Poems by John MILTON read by Thomas A. Copeland | Full Audio Book

Milton’s Minor Poems by John MILTON (1608 - 1674) Genre(s): Single author Read by: Thomas A. Copeland in English Chapters: 00:00:00 - 01 - Front Matter 1 (Preface) 00:22:00 - 02 - Front Matter 2 00:25:39 - 03 - On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity 00:38:22 - 04 - The Passion 00:42:26 - 05 - On Time 00:43:57 - 06 - Upon the Circumcision 00:45:52 - 07 - At a Solemn Musick 00:47:58 - 08 - An Epitaph upon the Marchioness of Winchester 00:51:48 - 09 - Song, On May Morning 00:52:41 - 10 - On Shakespear, 1630 00:54:28 - 11 - On the University Carrier 00:55:45 - 12 - Another on the S...ame 00:57:59 - 13 - L’Allegro 01:05:42 - 14 - Il Penseroso 01:15:01 - 15 - (English) Sonnets, 1645 01:20:06 - 16 - Arcades 01:26:43 - 17 - Lycidas 01:40:25 - 18 - Introductory to Comus 01:47:16 - 19 - A Maske (Comus) 02:47:16 - 20 - Upon the Death of a Fair Infant 02:53:00 - 21 - At a Vacation Exercise 02:59:37 - 22 - M
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