Game Factory (Year 1998)

Welcome to the year 1998! Can You Recall? This one can be for sure “The Best Year of Gaming“ Just Whatch the video! list of the games: - Sonic Adventures - Xenogears - Soulcalibur - Banjo Kazooie - Medievil - Spyro the Dragon - Crash Bandicoot 3 - Grim Fandago - Mortal Kombat 4 - Need for Speed 3 - Carmageddon 2 - F-Zero X - Guilty Gear - Marvel vs Capcom - Resident Evil 2 - Fallout 2 - Age of Empires: Rise of Rome - Panzer Dragoon Saga - Baldur’s Gate - Tenchu - Parasite Eve - Rainbow Six - Thief - Met
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