The West Sends Zelensky to Arab League in Attempt to Overshadow Assad’s Return

Zelensky’s surprise appearance at the Arab League summit, which came on the same day Assad made his return after 12 years of isolation, was no coincidence. Washington is making it clear that it still doesn’t approve of the Middle East making their own policy decisions—especially when that includes ties with an ally of Russia and world leader the U.S. has spent the last decade trying to overthrow... SOURCE LINKS: For more content, subscribe to my Telegram channel for updates: Join my Telegram group for the latest breaking news: Follow on Twitter: Follow on VK: Read more on Substack: Subscribe on Minds: Subscribe on Rumble: Subscribe on Rokfin: Subscribe on Odysee: @RachelBlevins:5 Follow on Instagram: Follow on Facebook: Thank you for your support!
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