Dr. Sean Hross - Interview for Polish channel. On Pharaoh-stocracy, 17 Sept., 2021 ENGLISH VERSION

Wywiad niedługo pojawi się w języku polskim. Dr Sean Hross has done a vast research exposing the world’s most dangerous mafia – the pharaoh-stocracy. He says: „They rule the world and think of us as their slaves”. They are based in Switzerland. According to Sean’s research, the last stronghold of Templars fell on May 18, 1291. Two months later Switzerland was founded. The Templar’s treasure was hidden in Switzerland and through it the Swiss banks were founded. It then financed all the subsequent wars. Sean also points out that the families that are currently in control of the swiss banks have bloodline conncection to egiptian pharaos. That’s why Sean uses the term „pharaos-tocracy”. Dr. Sean Hross has produced so far hundreds of videos exposing the symbolism, art., monuments and memorilas throughout major citites in Europe. It is full of occultist symbolism as well. All of it has come with a high price for Sean – he has been a political prosoner in Switzerland, he was
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