How I Keep Myself In Shape? | Sport Motivation | Gym Workout #gymmotivation#workoutroutine#fitness

In this video, I will workout with weights to strengthen different parts of my body. To begin, I will do a “single leg RDL“ or what is referred to as the Romanian Deadlift pose. This exercise targets your legs, especially your glutes and hamstrings in the back of your legs and buttocks region. Next, I will do what is called the “row“ exercise with a barbell, with no weights. This motion targets your latissimus dorsi muscles and your upper back muscles, as well as your shoulders and arms. The next exercise, I will do a “kettle swing“. This exercise targets your glutes, hamstrings, spinal erectors and upper back muscles. From there, I will do a leg workout on a universal machine that targets the outer part of your quadricep muscles and glutes. I will do what is called a “lat pull down“ exercise. This exercise targets your latissimus dorsi muscles, as well as your upper back and arms. The next exercise, I will do a “tricep pull down“ This exercis
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