ELON MUSK SEND 🚀SpaceX crewed flight to RESCUE 🐱from 🇬🇪 and LAND this AMAZING SOUL your family y
🐱🐱🐯🐯 ELON MUSK send 🚀 SpaceX crewed flight to RESCUE the TIGER-KITTEN from 🇬🇪Georgia and LAND this AMAZING SOUL in your family yard TIGER-KITTEN IS LOOKING FOR FOREVER HOME WORLDWIDE 🌏🌏🌏
HE HAS BEEN FOUND when he was ONLY 1 month old, lying in the dirty rain water near the trash bin. Hundreds of people use this trash bin daily and no one has helped him in Batumi, country Georgia. Found by a Dutch Teacher/volonteer, the blind small tiger kitten was for almost 1,5 weeks in coma , not capable to eat or play. The teacher was sitting Day and Night near the kitten, monitoring IV and administering medications The kitten can be brought anytime and anywhere worldwide🌏
✅YOU WILL LOVE the kitten more than your own life
Preferably families without Kids, active retired people or people living alone.
✅ Tigger kitten enjoys belly kissing and we do this at Rehabilitation Ce
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1 week ago 00:34:38 1
Обманутый американский Атлант расправляет плечи. Не стойте у него на пути, господа