Sketchfab addon for Blender: Get 1000s of FREE 3D Models!

❖Get Free Models from Sketchfab ❖Sketchfab Addon for Blender Sketchfab is one of a kind place to view, upload, download, sell and buy 3d models. The best part is that a lot of people make their models available for download. A large portion of these download are completely free. You have to be aware of the license of these 3d models. Most of them are CC-By which means that you can use them (even commercially), remix them, and even resell them. Support CGDive: ❖Patreon: ❖Gumroad (get 20% off using coupon code “cgdive“) RECOMMENDED PRODUCTS ❖Rig Anything With Rigify (coupon code “cgdive“ = 20% off) Alive! Animation course in Blender ❖The art of effective rigging in Blender (coupon code “cgdive“ = 10% off)) ❖Hard Surface Rigging In Blender ❖Auto-Rig Pro ❖RBF Drivers ❖Bonera 0:00 Intro 1:11 Search for Free 3d Models 1:50 Licenses 3:31 How to Download 3d models from Sketchfab 4:16 The Sketchfab addon for Blender 5:51 Search for models from Blender 6:37 Import from URL 7:29 Troubleshooting Sketchfab Models 15:46 Premium/Paid 3D Models her32756743edjhfkjhdfslkj
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