Lavrov - at a meeting with a girl from Luhansk, whose balloon he took down from the Christmas Tree of Wishes: English will com

Lavrov - at a meeting with a girl from Luhansk, whose balloon he took down from the “Christmas Tree of Wishes“: English will come in handy, of course. I do not think that those who say: “They are pitting the whole world against us, so let’s get away from the English language“ are right. That’s stupid. It’s stupid, because the language has nothing to do with it. It’s just like Zelensky banned the Russian language, Russian education, Russian media in Ukraine. Klitschko in Kiev issued his own decree: no theater, no cinema, no cultural events at all, and somewhere even in a store someone comes, asks something in Russian to the saleswoman, he is thrown out. Источник: Slavyangrad
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