Miyoung Baek, an acclaimed Korean animation director, studied animation at Kaywon University of Art and Design (2005–2007). She continued her studies at EMCA (Ecole des Métiers du Cinéma d’Animation) in Angoulême, France (2008–2011), where she obtained a BA degree. Spending an additional two years in Angoulême as part of an artist residency, she later earned an MA in visual design from Seoul National University (2016–2018). Her latest film, ’PiroPiro,’ won the Best Animation for Children award at ANIMAFEST ZAGREB and had a theatrical release alongside her other four animated films in France. Currently, she is working on a new project at The Maison des Auteurs in France.
For any inquiries or collaboration, reach her out via:
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애니메이션을 만들고 그림을 그리며 때때로 글을 씁니다. 2021년 9번째 단편 애니메이션 ‘삐로삐로’를 만든 후, 2022부터 10번째 단편 애니메이션을 만드는 중입니다. 2017년 제작한 단편 애니메이션 “달, 어디있니?”를 모티브로, 첫 동화책 ”잠 못 드는 너에게”를 출간했으며, 2021년에는 남편과 강아지 Pi와 함께 보내는 일상을 그린 인스타 툰 “개큰 개 파이“를 출간했습니다.
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