WALES: STRIKES: Strikes scenes in Rhondda Valley, Cardiff (1926)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Video Roll Title: Great Strike Scenes. (See also Roll 3 - Neg): 224ft, Strike scenes at Poplar. (See also Roll 5 - Pos.): 79ft, Strike scenes in Rhondda Valley: 113ft Strike scenes in Rhondda Valley, Cardiff Rhondda.: Strike scenes in Rhondda Valley. Full Description: WALES, GLAMORGAN, RHONDDA VALLEY. GV PAN exterior mine PAN to village on hill (21ft) MV group of women with children (29ft) MLV several women with children in front of their house, mine in BG, two miners walking towards group (49ft) MV men in street (wearing cloth caps ) , one of them pushing bicycle, other wheelbarrow, GV idle men along pavements (57ft) MLV group of men standing in street, one of them holding child’s hand, car past FG, PAN groups of idle men all along pavements and around corner (72ft) MV man standing in front of his house (78ft) MV tw
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