Ian Bruce - All Or Nothing

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “ALL OR NOTHING (Ian M. Bruce) You poached my friends. Some ask about you. Some think we’re one. I think you want them to. Sure I like you And you’ve been good to me. But you come on too strong And I can’t let that be. CHORUS It’s all or nothing And you’re forcing me to choose. It’s all or nothing And ’All“ is going to lose. Go on deny it. Pretend you’re squeaky clean. Spin your famous line “I don’t know what you mean!“ Phone my mother. Tell her I’m bad. Then fail to understand why I get mad. CHORUS Stop trying to touch me. Stop trying to mother me. Stop trying to kiss me. Stop!...Smothering me. Gimme some credit. I see through your plan. And I will dodge your little trap In any way I can. No I won’t kiss you when you call. Well now I would say.. “That ’bout says it all.“ CHORUS from A Kind And Gentle Nature, released June 1, 1996“
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