Immigration: Britain’s Biggest Issue - 7th OCT - LONDON - Immigration Conference Invitation

**Come to our Immigration Conference on Sat 7 Oct in London. Tickets: ** If you’re concerned about the profound impact uncontrolled mass immigration is having on this nation and its communities, I invite you to attend an important New Culture Forum conference that we are holding in London on Saturday 7 October. We are bringing together leading experts and other notable and well-known voices who will speak openly, candidly and honestly about the problems arising from mass immigration and why the government seems incapable of controlling it. Most importantly, in keeping with the New Culture Forum’s mission to provide solutions to Britain’s problems, the participants will also present their solutions to Britain’s immigration crisis and explain how they would tackle the consequences of immigration we see around us now. We’ll also host a panel discussion between some of our smaller parties, Reform, Reclaim and the SDP, to see how they would tackle the issue. One thing is certain. The government has lost control. Today, 16.6% of the British population is now foreign born: 10 million people. Of these 10 million, 42% arrived in the last decade. From housing and infrastructure to community relations and social cohesion, no country and no society can sustain such rapid and dramatic demographic change indefinitely. All of this of this has happened without any democratic consent. The British people were never given a vote on mass immigration, even though its long-term consequences are far more profound than Brexit. So I very much hope you’ll join us at this crucial conference. Tickets and further information are available here: and via our website: And, remember, NCF members get discounted admission. Thank you. Peter Whittle
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