What if playing czerny’s piece an IN TEMPO? [ ]

Hello! Im back and brought czerny’ piece. This piece is very good for growing technique. Many students playing this piece, and also another his pieces. But. I played different. He wrote in marked tempo. This tempo is required so much fast. Sounds like very difficult piece. Yes, already PRESTO. But it’s kind of too fast maybe.. Bpm is quarter note = 104. Anyway. I’m doubt about that..... 안녕하세요! 오늘은 체르니를 가져왔는데, 이곡은 다들 아시다 시피 학생들을 위해 써진 테크닉 향상 목적인 곡이죠. 그런데 오랜만에 다시 악보를보니 정해진 템포가 있더Ƽ
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