Charlie Parra - A different view (Melodic Metal Guitar)

#instrumental #guitar #metal Visita mi patreon para lecciones de guitarra en video paso a paso, backing tracks, tabs y contenido exclusivo. Únete a la comunidad! Check out my patreon page for step by step video guitar lessons, backing tracks, tabs and exclusive content. Join the community! Handsigned CD’s (worldwide shipping) at TABS and BACKING TRACKS AT All the music on Bandcamp (FLAC, WAV format): All the music on itunes :) and SPOTIFY Facebook Twitter: Free MP3 at: Charlie Parra del Riego playing a Melodic Metal Guitar song called A different view, included in his first solo album Procrastination. In this video I play my best licks and favourite melodic figures :). Not playing standing for now, having some health issues getting solved soon!
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