Wide Wide World (1947)

Full title reads: “Wide Wide World“. Story on the series of air disasters with flashbacks to recent crashes (ex library stock). MS a Dakota plane crashes as it taxis along a landing ground. LS Elevated view of the Swiss glacier crash. VS of a plane crash in city tower block. LS Various parts of a crashed aircraft scattered in a field. LS a plane nose diving and bursting into flames. CU the wreckage of a plane burning. Survivors are brought shore after the Greek ship Heimara was blown up by mine. 300 died. MS & CU survivors are brought ashore, some badly injured are on stretchers. MS Harrowing shots of corpses lying on the quay. MS Greek officials count money found on dead bodies. MS women cry as they are brought ashore from small boat. The Albany Club, London. Lind Joyce plays snooker against Sid Field. CU Joyce and Field take a drink. CU they kiss before the match - Sid gives a wink to the camera. CU they select their cues. CU balls rolling into a pocket. CU a ball coming towards the camer
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