Серфинг в огне - Ментаваи - Red Bull Minor Threat 2011
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Red Bull Minor Threat pairs 4 veteran, elite surfers along with 4 junior surfers on remote surf breaks in the Mentawai Islands. Based on the Indies Traver IV boat, both young and old push one another to progress their skill level in surfing. Join Bruce Irons, Kolohe Andino, Jamie O’Brien and more as they explore the Mentawais and conquer its high performance waves.
1 week ago 00:00:26 153
Почувствовали себя героем, метнувшись в эту погоду в магазин и обратно? Не так быстро
1 week ago 00:01:59 57
Мои беспонтовые трюки в рампе
1 week ago 00:20:32 1
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