[NITO-RYU] Nomoto Tadashi Menkyo Kaiden, head of Daito-ryu Koshinkai

I was recently invited to discover the practice of Nomoto Tadashi Shihan, a Menkyo Kaiden holder from the line of Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu started by Horikawa Kodo Sensei. I asked Nomoto Sensei to demonstrate some of the Daito-ryu Aiki Nito-ryu techniques that make use of two long swords and which are listed in some of the highest level syllabi of the discipline. Nomoto Sensei teaches in Tokyo the techniques passed down from Takeda Sokaku to Horikawa Kodo. For more information on Nomoto Sensei’s Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Koshinkai Headquarters, visit: 武田惣角から堀川幸道に伝承された合気技を、野本禎 免許皆伝師範が東京で伝える。 大東流合気柔術 幸心会本部 --- SUBSCRIBE --- --- SUPPORT MY WORK --- You can help me produce more videos via donations on: - Patreon: - Tipee: You can also support me by sharing my videos with your friends and spreadin
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