Просветление | Видео для глубокой медитации [Саламат Сарсекенов]
Через боль и страдания человек вынужден встретиться со своей Сияющей Пустотой раскрывающая иллюзорность любых предположений о реальности и о своем несовершенстве. И наедине с самим собою познакомиться с ее истинной исцеляющей сутью, разоблачающей «Образ себя», который ничего не видит кроме своего собственного отражения.
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Please Subscribe to our channel! KM is a platform or community that is dedicated to all the spiritual masters and to all those who try to explore the deepest dimensions of Life.
Of all the existing teachings, masters, techniques, mantras, etc., we share exactly what really helps to realize our vile nature, explaining why and how it works.
Sadly, in our time there are many false masters. People who have just embarked on their spiritual path often lose a lot of money and time for such masters. It is also true that the teaching of one master may not suit a particular student. KM is a unique community, which is loaded with informations that really help seekers to solve the spiritual issues of their lives. Here you can find many masters and teachings, and choose what is really close to you.
All videos on the KM channel are compiled in such a way that the information is perceived easily and clearly, so from the first minutes you understand whether this is the video that you were intuitively looking for.
Even the comments under our videos are larger than most spiritual forums. After all, you will find there the stories and advice of many of our subscribers, who share their innermost experiences on their spiritual path.
*We respect and adhere to YouTube’s copyright guidelines. The channel has videos that are taken from various sources for the purposes indicated above, and also to help create an atmospheric feeling that will help and inspire people in their life. KM does not own the rights to these video clips. They have, in accordance with fair use, been repurposed with the intent of spirutal educating and inspiring others. However, if any content owners would like their videos removed, please contact us by email.
*We also respect and adhere to YouTube’s demand for content quality and uniqueness. In order to convey information in the right way, we always make a lot of changes, starting from oral explanations during the video, ending with advice, support and directions in the comments above the video itself, even our video descriptions are always full of useful information, all-in-one links to sources that help support seekers.
#просветление #медитация #СаламатСарсекенов
1 view
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