The Hidden Meaning of The Great Reset 👀 #economics #finance #greatreset

Many of you are probably familiar with The Great “Reset” and the bald mad hatter who’s behind it. But did you know that the Black’s Law dictionary definition of the word “Reset” is actually “The act or instance of knowingly receiving stolen goods”?! (I.e. The Great Theft 😅) Hmmm… So that’s why they tell us that we’ll “own nothing”, and that we’ll “be happy”. 🤔 I’m not sure about the “happy” part, but I’m very confident that this agenda is definitely not a benign plan to get us out of debt… It’s far, far more sinister than that. And this is why it’s crucial to learn legalese (the legal jargon), because you never know what they can get you to agree to. 🤷‍♂️ If you’re like me and love to study law — so you can gear yourself up with the knowledge to recognize these types of ploys — then you and I are on the same path. 🙌 I like to call it: Truthful living ✨ You’ve woken up to so many lies and you want to live your life based on truth — by making your own sovereign choices and inspiring others who aren’t there yet. But perhaps you’re feeling a bit like Rowdy Piper in ‘They Live’ 👀 — trying to get people to see through the deception — but sometimes they react like Frank (you know…the guy who refuses to wear the glasses). Minus the fist-fight hopefully. 😅 I’ve been there — especially during the last few years — and it can get tiresome, frustrating, and you quickly reach a point where you ask yourself why you’re even trying. Besides — studying their legalese and trying to free yourself from the statutory system can be pretty challenging, especially on your own… 😬 That’s why I created my True Living Fellowship — where I cover a broad spectrum of topics, including Law and Self-Governance — and where you can surround yourself with a beautiful community of like-minded individuals who are on this path with you. 🤝 So if you’re looking to expand your knowledge with the support of real friends who will cheer you on when things get difficult, then this is your chance! 🙌
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