An exquisite yakitori restaurant run by a beautiful owner. TORI希 焼き鳥 japanese street food

Hello! “Japanese Kitchen Tour“. This channel introduces Japanese food culture, chefs’ techniques, and Japanese food. In addition to traditional Japanese cuisine (sushi, ramen, udon, soba, sashimi, street food stalls), we will introduce a variety of gourmet foods such as local Chinese food, big-serve restaurants, Japanese street food, and sweets. This time, I would like to introduce ``TORI Nozomi’’, a yakitori restaurant located in Yatabe, Taishi-cho, Ibo-gun, Hyogo Prefecture. This is a new store that just opened in 2023. The owner, Saki, always spends her days with a smile. The video introduces a lot of exquisite yakitori, sake, and obanzai. Please watch till the end! [TORI Nozomi Google Map] [TORI Hope Official Instagram] [Japanese Kitchen Tour Official Instagram]
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