Rain Sounds & Native American Flute Music for Sleep, Relax, Anxiety, Stress Relief and Mental Health

Native American flutes and rain. Music has a powerful effect on our emotions, it can improve your mental health and be used therapeutically to help people relax and fall asleep. If you’re looking for a peaceful way to sleep, then you’ll love this video! Together, the Native American flute and the calming sounds of rain can help you drift off to a dreamy sleep. This peaceful video is the perfect way to relax and fall asleep! The Native American Flute sound has the ability to relax your mind by getting in the alpha state which is making your brain pulse at a lower rate than your normal mental and emotional fluctuations. This sound can transfer you to a calm and relaxing state enhancing your alpha waves after just listening to it for 10 minutes. Stream our music on: Spotify: Apple Music: YouTube Music:
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