[OB] 17. Armed Avalanche

DISCLAIMER: the stories/images presented in following album are pure fiction and should be treated as novels. Following any of described immoral actions that break the law is discouraged. Any similarity to actual person, living or dead, or past event, is purely coincidental. Some people may find the content as disturbing or unpleasant. ~~~ === FRAGMENT OF RECORDING TRANSCRIPTION / === Patient (P): ...still see him, coughing blood, and the chest, wide open, with two ribs outside. Doctor (D): Your friend? P: Damn sergeant, just follow my orders! D: I understand you still miss him after years, but you know that nothing will bring him back. It’s just past, and it would be better for you if you reconsile with this fact. P: There were like fifty of them... or sixty, I didn’t count, just too many against us... feels like they are running towards us, like they yell at us in their language. They let me escape only to find me here, and kill... D: You are safe. We’re
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