“As free make I thee, as heart may think, or eye may see”

Published on 7th May, the feast of St John of Beverley. The ‘founding father’ of Beverley, John died on this day in 721. His shrine in the Minster was a notable place of pilgrimage in the middle ages, attracting royal visitors including Henry V in 1420 – who ordered that St John was to become one of the patrons of the royal household and that his feast day, together with that of St George, was to be celebrated throughout England – and, before him, in around 934, King Athelstan, the first king of England. St John and King Athelstan appear together in two of the most prominent roof bosses at St Mary’s, both of which include the phrase known and loved by many Beverlonians: “Als free make I thee“. Jennie investigates these words and the imagery of the bosses.
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