Jaya Ambe Jagadambe “Sparkles of Satyam“ by Gauri & Sankalpananda “Σπίθες Αλήθειας“

Available at Kirtan is not just a song. It is a technique of Nada Yoga, the yoga of sound and is characterized by the simplicity of both its melody and the lyrics. The melody is based on minimalist and repetitive musical paths. The lyrics are a potent combination of Sanskrit mantras. They are the legacy of the Great Teachers who, thousands of years ago, transcended the boundaries of the mind and senses, and became self-realized. Repetition of the mantras creates a series of acoustic vibrations which relax the body and mind. In this way, the higher mental and psychic powers,currently dormant in each of us, are released. Whether we comprehend the literal meaning of the mantras or not, they still have the same transformative and liberating effect on us.
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