Jeffrey Sachs on Seymour Hersh, Nord Stream Bombing, Ukraine & the Cold War with China

In this episode of The Source, we speak with world-renowned economist and best-selling author Jeffrey Sachs about Seymour Hersh’s article on the US bombing of the Nord Stream pipeline. We take a look at recent developments around Ukraine and examine why the West should pursue diplomacy instead of weapons. Finally, we talk about the new cold war with China and how to achieve a vision of peace and multilateralism in the 21st century. Watch our latest videos on similar topics: Seymour Hersh - How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline Col. Wilkerson on Ukraine & Nord Stream Jeffrey Sachs: The War in Ukraine and the Missing Context “The Reality is Ukraine is losing“ - Journalist Dimitri Lascaris Seymour Hersh & US History of Secret Operations | Prof. Kuznick Prof. Richard Wolff: The Economics of the Ukrain
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