Bush welcomes emirate’s crown prince to Camp David

(27 Jun 2008) SHOTLIST 1. Helicopter carrying the crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheik Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, landing at Camp David 2. Honour guard carrying the flags of the US and the United Arab Emirates marching towards helicopter 3. US President George W. Bush walking towards helicopter 4. Bush greets the crown prince and shakes his hand 5. Bush and the crown prince walk towards the cameras, pause, shake hands and walk away 6. Bush and the crown prince driving away on a golf cart 7. Bush and crown prince in golf cart driving away STORYLINE: US President George W Bush hosted the crown prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheik Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, at Camp David on Thursday, returning the hospitality of an oil-rich country just as oil prices recorded another spike. The President welcomed the Sheik to the rustic wooded retreat in the Maryland mountains in typical fashion. As the crown prince’s helicopter landed on a large hilltop meadow on the property, the flag
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