News In Flashes (1951)

NEWS IN FLASHES - NEW LOCOMOTIVE Marylebone Station, London. LV. British standard locomotive “Britannia“ standing alongside platform at Marylebone station - this is new standard British locomotive Britannia for British railways. Angle shot from engine showing number 70,000. SV. Official standing alongside huge driving wheels of engine. SV. Railway officials standing on platform. LV. Mr Alfred Barnes, Minister of Transport, pulls cord revealing name “Britannia“ on side of engine. Angle shot, name “Britannia“ on side of engine. SV. Fireman shovelling coal into furnace. CU. Indicators, pan down to driver’s hand on control lever. SV. Engine moving forward. SV. Engine stops in front of Mr Barnes for him to climb aboard. CU. Engine driver looking out of cabin window. SCU. Mr Barnes stepping up into cabin. SV. Towards, locomotive drawing out of station and past camera. (Orig. Neg.) NEWS IN FLASHES - GIRLS TRESSES COMPETITION Miami, Florida, United States of America (USA). LV. Girl sitting at ta
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