Biggest Pipe Organ in the World | Atlantic City Hall Organ | Boardwalk Hall Organs

Biggest Pipe Organ in the World On Feb 17, 2017 I returned to Boardwalk Hall eight years after my last visit to see the “ Atlantic City Hall Organ “ or also known as Boardwalk Hall Organs. The organ is currently in a multi year and multi million dollar restoration. The team leading the restoration is the same group that saw to the Wanamaker Organ in Philadelphia turned into one of the finest and most glorious pipe organs in the World. Dr. Steve Ball, is Organist and Director of Outreach for the world’s largest pipe organ located at Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City, NJ. The Midmer-Losh pipe organ in Boardwalk Hall, famously the largest musical instrument on earth. The 10 year, 16 million dollar restoration of the instrument is being led by the Historic Organ Restoration Committee (a 501c 3 nonprofit corporation). Restoration efforts have recently returned part of the instrument to operation, and it can be now heard increasingly for shows in the building as well as free daily noon recitals
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