Tchaikovsky ─ “The Maid of Orleans“. Complete performance, from the Bolshoi production of 1993.

From the outset, I must admit to being biased toward this production, and toward this composition. I do not own any copyright for this, but it has long been unavailable, and I can find no other video performance. I hope this rare work will be permitted to stay here, it certainly deserves to be seen and heard.[Since writing this entry, a new performance has appeared on DVD. But it is mercilessly cut, and forced into the straight-jacket of a conventional opera. It offers no competition to this.] There are some minor cuts, a not uncommon action when staging an opera. The largest is the removal of a ballet (not unexpected when the number of performers moving around backstage is considered.) Throughout the work, movement is often stylized rather than naturalistic, as the work moves through various approaches to telling its story. For me, the performances are outstanding. This opera has so many facets, it would be difficult to stage, but the Bolshoi carries over all of its hurdles brilliantly. To my k
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