Coffee filter salt and pepper lilies

Hi there, in this video I show you how to make lilies out of coffee filters - using icing gel colour, florists wire and stem tape - pipe cleaners and yes - salt and pepper! I am no professional film maker or video editor - just a mum that loves making things, so excuse the quality! x As with my other flower videos I study the real thing first and try and replicate them as closely as I can. I love lilies and there is nothing better than fresh flowers to brighten your home. Lilies however have the pollen enriched stamen - or is it anthers? that stain like crazy if you get it on your clothes. These coffee filter versions won’t stain, won’t wilt, don’t need water and are inexpensive to make. Have a go and surprise yourself. I think I have worked out how to attach a pattern for you to use. Its a little bit amateurish I know but it work and should print out to scale on A4. The first is for the leaves and buds !AjDjbqq4VYH-iAu4ofXYqV0zhK1R?e=h55ZX9 The secon
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